Some LEED Credits need numerical simulations. Simulaciones y Proyectos can perform all the numerical simulations and supporting documentation to deliver to the GBCI.
Our staff have worked on numerous projects where have achieved LEED certification. Our goal is not only to obtain these credits but also to integrate the simulation in the architectural design. For that reason, we make the necessary modifications in the design from all the points of view.
We integrate for example the improvement of the energy consumption including the natural ventilation.
All of this is achieved due to numerical simulations.
For example we can get the following LEED Credits by means of numerical simulation:
- Energy & Atmosphere: Prerequisite 2 Minimum Energy Performance required
- Energy & Atmosphere: Credit 1 Optimize energy Performance
This credit + pre-requisite allows you to obtain a large amount of LEED credits. By means of the energetic modelling of the building and its systems of thermal production and distribution we can optimize the baseline design up to an optimized design with a certain percentage of energy saving.
Calculations are carried out following ASHRAE guidelines 90.1 “Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings”
- Indoor Environmental Quality: Credit 2 Increased Ventilation
This LEED credit requires additional ventilation over ASHRAE 62.1 requirements. «Ventilation for acceptable indoor Air Quality «
This ventilation can be carried out by means of mechanical, natural or mixed ventilation. In the case of natural ventilation in certain cases where the prescriptive method cannot be used, it is necessary to go through the prestacional method or through simulation.
Macroscopic / Multizone simulation methods or Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) simulation techniques can be used. Depending on the building you will take one or the other way
- Indoor Environmental Quality: Credit 7.1 Thermal Comfort — Design
We analyzed the building to get acceptable levels of thermal comfort according to ASHRAE standards.
- Indoor Environmental Quality: Credit 8.1 Daylight and views — daylight
We make the calculations through simulation to get minimum levels of illumination according to what is required by LEED.
In our Portfolio you will find numerous projects in which we have collaborated to get the mentioned credits. We carry out the supporting report.