Through our software FLOW-3D ® we carry out CFD simulation studies for valves.
Our Capabilities in this area are:
Head loss calculation
Through our CFD software and numerical simulation, we can calculate the loss of the valve load for any type of circulating fluid.
We can optimize 3D geometry of the valve to avoid localized load losses, recirculation and other negative hydraulic effects.
Kv-Opening curves construction
We can make easier the Kv curve characteristic of the valve according to the industrial standards.
Dynamic Valve Analysis
We can simulate dynamic behavior (transient) of moving parts in valves:
- Flaps
- Actuators
- Springs
We can analyze the weight necessary in such moving parts to:
- To ensure minimum opening
- To avoid chattering
- To avoid the RAM blow
- Etc.
Erosion/cavitation in valves
The high circulating speed by certain parts of valves during continuous or transient process can generate excessive speeds that produce cavitation.
Through the simulation we can predict the occurrence of the phenomenon of cavitation and avoid it.
Noise study
The excessive turbulence or speeds on a valve can generate noise in the installation. Through the fluid-dynamic CFD simulation we can predict and avoid this phenomenon...
Complete hydraulic system analysis
We do not limit ourselves to simulate the internal behavior of a valve using CFD software, besides we also put in context the valve inside the general installation.
So, we can:
- To know the control of the valve on the rest of the installation.
- Calculation of boundary conditions
- Simplification of the study about problems with 1D-2D calculations. Cost savings.
- Calculation of head loss, study of transients, etc.
3D CAD design for Valves
Into the design area, we can help valves companies transform their old 2D to 3D planes, optimize the hydraulic performance of the valve by the geometric parameterization of the valve, etc.
Our SpaceClaim software it allows us to open any CAD format, repair geometry and prepare it for a CFD or finite element analysis.
We can analyze any type of fluid in any circulation regime: Compressible, incompressible, with phase change, stationary, transient, non-newtonian fluids, slurries, etc.
In the Portfolio section you will find more information about our capabilities in this area.